Tuesday 19 September 2017

Interim Presentation Review:

What worked well:

-        - Models
-        - Liked the idea of a video
-        - Interactive
-        - Straight to the point

-        - How it told a narrative
-        - Extending out to the main road
-        - The design is different to other towns iconic sculptures (2D aspect instead of 3D)
-        - The buoy idea
-        - Showing cool things in the town

What didn’t work well:

-        - Low quality video
-        - Models need improvement
-        - Too short
-        - Plan what everyone will say
-        - Design needs to speak for itself

-        - Research materials
-        - How it is made
-        - Refine the forms
-        - Incorporating driftwood?

Where to from here:

-        - Develop the design, story and where they would be positioned
-        - Research materials, cost and where they would be made
-        - Make a better slideshow/ video
-        - Develop the booklet (TEST PRINT!)
-        - Drawings, physical models, digital models and context shots
-        - Think about the detail and how it would be made

-        - More research into Himatangi?

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Final models / booklet / map poster